The meeting was called to order in the chapter room at 7:20 p.m. by president Sissenwine.  Absent Schultz


the meeting was held today but no report was given.


MSP (Walsh) move that the executive board approved Paul listens Pledge Master spring 1968.  3-1-0

Little brother assignments will be determined by attendance at the smokers and pledging.


We discussed the duties of this subordinate offices.  The historian is responsible for the bulletin board.  The corresponding secretary is responsible for the phone chain, the publicity committee, and distribution of minutes to advises the national offices.  We discuss intramural athletics and spring banquet.

MSP (Walsh) move that Peter Anderson be the chairman of the spring banquet 1968.  4-0-0


MSP (Friedman) moved that:

  1. RSO account 315BX be renamed 354, to be administered by the financial chairmen of the APO/GSS used book exchange.
  2. Move that accounts 315, 315 Lee, 315 EA, 315G, and 315S be consolidated to 315.  The Treasure's report will still carry some balances pertaining to the general account, capital acquisitions account, and alumni account, and in escrow account, each of these to be contained sub accounts at the discretion of the treasurer.
  3. Move that the president be an authorized RSO signature.  4-0-0

New Business

MSP (Friedman) move that no unauthorized brother be allowed to open mail address to Kappa Omicron chapter, and that no brother be allowed to open mail addressed to someone other than himself.  4-0-0

MSP (Walsh) move that the dues be five dollars per brother.  4-0-0

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
David E. Whitney
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes